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I could see the sun smiling above the horizon. The cock crowed with high tempo. The brand new day had arrived with a smiling demeanor.

People started stepping out of their coven while he was busy romancing with his bed. Just in the blinking of the eye the just young day had turned old. And he said tomorrow Id stepped out early and do all the necessary job thats left undone today.  But the history repeated itself the following day.

In Osa village its a punishable offence to steal. Stealing attracts two years imprisonment. Most men in this village are of substance. They rose when the day was still at the embryonic stage. Farming is the major occupation. But he found it hard to adapt to the system of the village. Waking early was not his thing.

 And when it was mid-day no one dare work again due to the scorching sunlight. And in the evening he must always see Abeke his inamorata.  Planting season gone without him bury a single seed. Tomorrow would come and hed right his wrong was his song till people started harvesting their crops.

Abeke, one of the most sought after in the entire village was his lover. Abeke, who ought to be Ayinlas lover, Adele snatched away from him with his honey coated tongue. He had earlier told Abeke that he planted one thousand yam sets during the planting season. Here comes harvesting time, she would definitely be expecting her lover farm produce. 

She had an outing with her friends. They wanted to go in uniformity. He had earlier promised to buy her own cloth before the outing. He was bordered about what to do to get money but could resolve to nothing honorable but to steal from his friends farm so that it would not be revealed to her the manner of man he was. Having stolen from several farms without being caught, he took delight in it.

It was not a good outing for him the very day he entered Ajadis farm.
He was caught red handed. He said, youve bitten the must not bite fruit. People must hear this. But after series of pleading he told him that hed not reveal his secret on one condition.

And thats if he could willingly let go of Abeke for him to marry. A beautiful damsel is not meant for a sluggard, he said. He was at a shame point. If he said no, Abeke would later know that he stole, and if she did, would eventually leave him. And as well become a subject of ridicule among all the men of substance that has sought her hand in marriage.

Before she said its Adele or nobody. He loves Abeke with every nerves and fibers in him but he was in a dilemma to decide whether to let go of his only love or go to prison.

Till we meet again, I am Odunayo Samuel, AKERELE.

Remember, keep being you and keep being true.


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