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Showing posts from January, 2018


Sometimes we misconstrue question and see it as an abuse. And because of this perpetual misconception our relationship with others is getting lean. From my research I've realized that most of the fight we fought were on the premise of misconception of statements, actions or thoughts. Some misunderstanding/arguments ensue like this: Mr. A: 2+1=3 Mr. B: No, it's 1+2...Lol And they both can argue on this for some minutes which can later result into something else. However, they're saying the same thing in a different way. But they fail to listen to each other.... Even in Philosophy it was experiment that a certain folk who says tomorrow is Sunday and the other who says 'no' tomorrow is not Sunday, but the day after tomorrow is Monday were actually saying the same thing in a different way. But they could argue this for hour not knowing they were saying same thing. Take a critical look at the conversation below: Abuser: Are you deaf?


I can still remember during my undergraduate days, when you're a Bible carrying student, you're automatically ordained a pastor in my Hall of residence. Even when you're not, everyone would be referring to you as pastor. I thought this was only peculiar to academic environment until I graduated years ago and began to experience same outside the academic environment. The error is the error of calling people that live moral life a pastor. Some of them are highlighted below: When you've not been caught telling lies, you're a pastor. When you've not been seen sleeping around with women like dogs or having extra marital affairs. In Nigeria you're referred to as pastor. If you're a church goer and committed in attending church meetings, you're a pastor. These are some of the errors that society embrace. Not knowing that moral living is not a righteous living. When these people are struggling with lies or addicted to something under


I came across a qoute few days ago, it says and I quote, "however beautiful the sunset is it will soon go dark." This reminds me of my own sunset when I was growing up as a young boy.There was this boy among our peers who always bullied us.  We were class mate, same age and height. But he was like a master to us, he was even a master because we all feared him. We dared not tackle him whenever we played foot ball because of the fear of injuring him which could attract thorough beating in retaliation. There was this particular day we were playing foot ball, my own street against his. I didn't know what came over me, I wasn't drunk just that I was drunk with a winning spirit. For the first time I tackled him. During the course of gaining the possession of the ball from him I mistakenly injured him. He fell flat on the ground. I already knew there was fire on the mountain. I felt like something or perhaps Merlin should appear and whisk me away from the place wit


ASK, OR YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! One of the common thing in the society today is that people love to follow trend without knowing the reason. They see people doing it, hence they follow suit. This kind of attitude is the reason why some people assume. They don’t know and they don’t ask. “ So many assume, so little know.”  It’s not a crime to ask when you don’t know. Rather than backstabbing people on what you are not even sure of. People that judge others actually judge themselves. Because they think that what they are doing is what others are doing. And they judge base on that parameter. Wayne Dyer says, “When you judge others you do not define them, you define yourself.”   There was a time we were solving mathematical problems in the class. We get to a stage where we needed a calculating machine, but couldn’t lay our hands on one. Then, we assumed what the answer might be. Later we got hold of a calculator to confirm our answer. There was a clear difference be


                        A butter fly is one of the most adorable insect on earth. It’s a lover of flower, beautiful and scented one to be precise. Anywhere you see a beautiful flowering plant, there you will see a butterfly either playing with the petals or sucking the nectars. It’s no longer a news that rose is one of the most beautiful flower in the Universe. It is adorned with beauties. Hence, cynosure of all eyes and insects. But despite this beauty rose is full of thorns. Butterfly is a lover of beautiful flowers, of which rose is one. How can butterfly perch on rose to suck nectar without getting injured and damage being done to it wings? How can a guy have chance to speak to a pretty girl whose father is a soldier that doesn’t condone nonsense from anyone? Then, the guy needs to apply wisdom. Winks It’s a common saying that, “life is not a bed of roses,” People usually say this because they believe life is full of challenges. And indeed it is. They believe tha