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Showing posts from August, 2019


                                                        I could see the sun smiling above the horizon. The cock crowed with high tempo. The brand new day had arrived with a smiling demeanor. People started stepping out of their coven while he was busy romancing with his bed. Just in the blinking of the eye the just young day had turned old. And he said tomorrow Id stepped out early and do all the necessary job thats left undone today.  But the history repeated itself the following day. In Osa village its a punishable offence to steal. Stealing attracts two years imprisonment. Most men in this village are of substance. They rose when the day was still at the embryonic stage. Farming is the major occupation. But he found it hard to adapt to the system of the village. Waking early was not his thing.  And when it was mid-day no one dare work again due to the scorching sunlight. And in the evening he must always see Abeke his inamorata.  Planting season gone without him bury a singl


Anyman or woman that cheats on his or her spouse has the tendency to do so... They should stop giving flimsy excuses like he  wasn't there when I needed him, he didn't have time for me, she denied me sex often, she was always away from home, he's always on business trips, she drafted a time table for sex, s/he's lazy in that regard, etc. Oga, sister come here and let me splash your faces with cold water of reality. I know there shouldn't be any excuse for cheating on your spouse and at thesame time there are always one or two reasons behind every human action. Some maybe genuine while some are not. When it comes to cheating in marriage don't be too quick to judge or to condemn. Some women have many genuine reasons to cheat on their men but  they didn't, so also some men on their wives but chose not to. But one thing we must realize is that we are different. Some can endure hardship, battering,  suffering while some may not. It's just because we

My hunter friend

I have a friend who is a great hunter. The one I’ve ever known. This friend of mine has in his archives different kinds of skin of wild animals. He caught some animals for the purpose of domesticating them.  He would keep and feed them for some times but later releases them to go on their way.  One thing special about this friend of mine is that he neither uses gun nor cutlass when going for hunting. He simply used words of mouth. Like I said earlier, after my father he is the great hunter that I know ever live. The animals he has never hunted hasn’t been created by God. He is a professional when it comes to hunting.  I’ve been wondering how he often hunt down great animals without holding any hunting tools. I tried to persuade him to tell me his secret but he disobliged. I was wondering maybe he usually wrestled with any animal that comes his way. But come to think of it this friend of mine never have that stature fit for wrestling. So how did he manage to bring big gam

But why?

Do you want to know why ask why? We were first part of the story, I think we should know the end, tragedy or comedy. I thought it would have a happy ending. Because I never want the story that touches Like Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet. If you care to know it’s a love story And it is and has always been a long one. Such that if the sand on the sea shores were to be pages of book, It won’t contain it. Many verses had been written and recited, Yet volumes of books can’t hold it complexity And it’s just a four letter words. But it is more complex than its pronunciation. The foundation of the entire universe was founded on it. Each time I sees two lover birds, I always envy and as well share their joy. Such that I pray it has a happy ending. Because I detest a story that touches to the marrow like TITANIC But this meet me un-prepared. I never know you would end it this way. I always thought she would be the vessel to convey your kind to this planet. And