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Showing posts from April, 2020


I was born when the time was still partially measured by the throaty crow of the cocks. When if cock refuses to crow, the time was measured by the height of shadow.  I can still very much remember how my father would say the time is three o'clock in the afternoon because the shadow had reached a certain height on the wall in our backyard. Sometimes I was wowed at the level of his intelligence.  He didn't mark that particular spot on the wall and he never for once missed it. I tried doing but kept on missing it. Then, I used charcoal to Mark it. Isn't beautiful to say I also measured time by the height of shadow? Winks.  My father was a farmer and partially a hunter. He was very diligent and good at what he does. He had cocoa, cola nut, plantain, yam, maize, cowpea, and rice farms. He was rich in goats, and different kinds of fowls. Apart from the fact that he uses labor we the children were also part of the labors employ on his farm.  We worked all year roun


On more than two occasions my mobile phones had been stolen. And each time it hurt me to the marrow. Because I usually felt cheated each time my phone got stolen.  No one ever thought of losing their property but it happens. The one that was the most painful to me was the phone I used just for two days. I got it on Saturday and used it on Sunday, pheem, on Monday it was not my own again. I nearly had psycho because I could not explain it, it was like a miracle.  One of the reasons I don't usually like thieves stealing my stuff is because of the value I usually place upon anything that I own. And the first thought that usually comes to mind is they would not know the value.   Most times thieves never lose and usually, they don't care about the value of what they stole. Hence, they sell it at a ridiculous price.  Even if they stole a phone that worth let's say seventy thousand, they can sell it for thirty or twenty thousand. Meanwhile, the owner will never


I have been wanting to witness that day when I would hear her say yes I do. Lo and behold she said yes, I do. Evelyn was a lady that no man can look at once and take his eyes off. Her charm and glamour are not of this earth.  We met at a function on the Island.  I could still remember that day it's still as fresh in my memory as today. I was invited to a seminar in Eko hotel and suites. I did not know the caliber of people I would meet there, so I tried my best to dress smartly.  Though, I had been attending seminars before, but this would be my first time on the Island. I'm not that stylish when it comes to fashion so I put on a blue T-shirt on a black jean and white Skechers.  My invitee even begged me to wear a suit but I disoblige. I hate suit with passion, each time I put on a suit it always like a punishment to me. Don't mind me it's not just my thing.  I left home at 6 am in the morning because the seminar was scheduled to start at 8 am. I


Oh! Boy those babes will once again have rest of mind from tomorrow. Rest of mind you mean! Yes! From who, I asked. From you of course. Kunle! Am I that worse? You are not, but you are a boss. Boss in what? In promiscuity of course.                         Kunle, wait, this is a wrong allegation. How many girlfriends do I even have? You have nothing less than ten. And you think just ten is enough to tag me a promiscuous person. Is it not enough Dave, Jude snapped? You guys taught me every bad habit in my life today. And this means I'm still learning from your expertise. "Kunle taught me how to let go of girls without fighting her after I've had my ways with her. And you Jude taught me how to make girls feel important so that I can have my way with her." And you guys now have the gut alleging me wrongly? We agreed, we taught you but you later know more than your teachers. And this should be the joy of every teacher. Today I'm happy that my studen