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Showing posts from June, 2020


This is my life  And this is how I choose to live it If anyone is coming  She should better adapt Else, she should say no I am unapologetic  About the path, I'm treading  I'm not ashamed of this humble beginnings This is my way, my life If you can't cope Better don't come I don't give a fuck  Wait, I'm not selfish Just that I don't give in to emotions If you don't like me the way  I choose to live me  Please say no and leave me I can't be deceived  by salty waters I am a microbiologist  And I know it's good for the eyes So I'm not moved by tears  I'm not cruel, it's just my way If you can't live it with me Just the way I'm living it  Kindly say no and go I'm not proud  Just that I'm resolute about what I want  You don't seem to be the picture In fact, I can't see you in my future  You are a beauty personify  But for me, you are not it.  Kindly, move on and go I may not know love  But I sure no the opposite of h


  Just like a second ago, it is still resonating in my mind But now with much pain and fear My heart was flooded and overflowed with joy When father declared all his promises concerning me He boasted and assured me of a better tomorrow He was confident that my star would soon start to glow Just like any good father, better plans he had for me But suddenly death truncated his life un-announced I’ve never read it, I didn’t know it and I wasn’t told, That man is a grass that can fade away anytime soon   All his promises were futuristic And as long as he’s still living, they remained authentic But who knows tomorrow if not the one who made the earth when no one was there? Father was the pillar I rest my chord Believing with him I can move from ‘here to there’ Not knowing father’s promises can take me no where He promised a better tomorrow But not long death truncated his life I shed ceaseless tears and was lost in control I ran to my mother for h


  ********************************* Ye preacher of 'it's getting better Come, let me ask you Is it anywhere near better now? For decades, you have been preaching this  Then, they fought and broke the mace  Now, they fought and carted away the mace  They were eager to rule for selfish interest  We, we are eager to rule for personal interest  Them, they had visions We, we don't have vision  Them, they borrowed a little We, we are borrowing more than we can pay  Then, slavery  Now, modern slavery  Then, secession Now, secession and rejection  Then, unemployment was subliminal Now, it has reached a crescendo Then, few went abroad for greener pastures Now, all and sundry are eager to go abroad Then, the exchange rate was good  Now, it keeps on getting worse  Then, our education standard was high  Now, no standard is found in our education  Then, thieves get a conscience  Now, they are heartless  Ye preachers of 'it's getting better' Should I go on?  However, you may


A victim of fate she is  That which she adores  Was cunningly taking away  Her only companion is nowhere at sight  Friendliness is now found in loneliness  The only confidant vanish like smoke  Those who vowed to be there are gone  Now crying from dusk till dawn  Her mouth at no love lost with foods  Because of the custodian of her heart  Who has gone away with Delilah  Damsel, cry no more  For the one who left you for the fame Cry no more for the one who left you for the curves  Cry no more for the one who left you for influence  Cry no more for the one who left you for wealth  Damsel, cry no more  For the one who never feels your feelings  A victim of love you are  For crying for the one who trades  Your heart for gold


If yesterday, we hope of a better tomorrow And today, we’re still shedding tears of sorrow We hope still for another tomorrow That’s devoid of sorrow We’re crying but without tears  And move around with our many fears Hope we still for another morrow That’s devoid of fear  Daily we trekked many miles  As long as the river Nile Putting on our faces contagious smile But within we sorrow Today, we are bearing our pains Suffering like the lamb that was slain And poverty stains our garment But we are sure, we shall laugh again We know  If there’s another tomorrow In it, we shall roll Like we’ve never known sorrow The link to the book is here👇