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 Is Love Selfish? Unpacking the Self-Centered Nature of Relationships The word selfishness is something most of us don’t usually pay attention to, especially when it comes to ourselves. We almost believe that everything is fine. And, in a way, it is. By default, every human is selfish. There is an adage in Yoruba that says, "If you give a hoe to a madman, he would gather the soil towards himself." That is, even a madman will consider himself before others. But that’s just by the way. Man is happy when he receives but it's otherwise when he gives. We all want to get but we don't want to give. When it is about us, we want it all done quickly, but if it's about others we don't care. Selfishness is the blood brother of stinginess. They are related, same family. I, me, and myself are their family parlance. The summary of human behaviour is self, and we engage in self-interest relationships . If all your life all you live for is self, you have not truly lived.  Ever
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 Don't sit close to me Because the aura of your presence chase my fear The last time you were here For a minute I was bold And let go of my fear In the next minute, you are a smoke Again boldness is far from my abode ©OdunayoSamuel

Why I love myself

 The vibes It's of my tribe The chasm The enthusiasm The joy that exudes on his face Even with many reasons to quit the race The positive demeanor Even when it seems his vision is blurred That alluring physiognomy Despite the harsh economy The contagious laughter Hoping things will soon get better; Are the reasons he love HIMSELF


Beauty, I think is very hard to come by. Sometimes I did say beauty is peculiar to a particular tribe, location, and or area. It never occurs to me that it can be found in any other place aside from those special places. I had determined whenever I want to get married my eyes would be on those choice locations where beauty resides. Where does beauty reside? I had asked myself this question and my answer has always been beauty has a special location.  This I believe until I met this lady whose beauty is not of this planet. This is not an exaggeration but my way of telling the wonderful work of creation I met in the ghetto. If there are many of you in the world then the company produce makes up or makeover tools will pack up in no time. Or they wouldn't have come into being in the first place. Your beauty to me defeats the purpose of using those artificial ingredients because you are beautifully crafted by the alamo to mo eda (I.e. the potter that molded human). If you ref


Projection of mind If its state is not normal Might not be that kind And see no farther than the Astronomer Mind projection When not at its best state Often lead in a wrong direction Hence one falls for a bait Polluted mind Worse than the blind All it sees is a mirage Of the original image. ©Odunayosam


                          Odunayo blog Leave me Let me be I will do What I ought to do The time I ought to do it Leave me Let me be Though I'm still here I'll definitely get there No rushing My only song to sing Is that I'm working With God's time God's time To man may be a slow time But still remain the best time My environment says, It's getting late But sure I know Everything is beautiful in his time Leave me Let me be I'm running my race Soon you all will be amazed **  ** FOOTNOTE The moment you realize that life's race is an individual race you stop mounting pressure on yourself. This pressure comes as a result of competition. When you start using other people's success to measure your own success, the pressure of the unknown set in.  Run your own race. And run with God set time; which to some is a very slow time.  In conclusion, you will only be what you are meant to be, and never what I am meant to be.


'My mother is the best mum in the world.' Are you conversant with this saying? I'm sure you do. I once disprove it, and you hear them saying I'm not talking about everybody but to me, my mother is the best in the whole world. This statement is biased. You see that point you pass judgment concerning a matter from your own point of view, you are biased.  Like I said earlier the writers of the best mum in the world write based on who they think is the best mum in the world. Even though, she might not be the best. But as far as they are concerned she is the best. This is a biased judgment. Photo credit to Pixabay. Am I trying to point an accusing finger at people for being biased? No, but I'm directing my article to those who believe that they are not biased.  People cook up stories just to favor their course because of their interest. They will go to any length to prove this, not because of anything but their interest. If there is anything humans