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Father'S Day, Love, Family, Happiness, Child, Kid, Girl


Just like a second ago, it is still resonating in my mind

But now with much pain and fear

My heart was flooded and overflowed with joy

When father declared all his promises concerning me

He boasted and assured me of a better tomorrow

He was confident that my star would soon start to glow

Just like any good father, better plans he had for me

But suddenly death truncated his life un-announced

I’ve never read it, I didn’t know it and I wasn’t told,

That man is a grass that can fade away anytime soon


All his promises were futuristic

And as long as he’s still living, they remained authentic

But who knows tomorrow if not the one who made the earth when no one was there?

Father was the pillar I rest my chord

Believing with him I can move from ‘here to there’

Not knowing father’s promises can take me no where

He promised a better tomorrow

But not long death truncated his life

I shed ceaseless tears and was lost in control

I ran to my mother for help

But what to do she didn’t know

Because she was also lost in control

And all what she could was to pray for me

Fear of unseen emerged

Fear of a better tomorrow gripped me

Amidst all my fears and struggles I met the author of my life

Unfolded all His promises for me

With not much ado I switched on my faith

And put behind all uncertainties,

ride above my fear.

My father died, but the father never dies

Now growing and glowing in the LOVE of THE FATHER.

HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to you all. 

This is another excerpt from my new POETRY BOOK titled POETIC THOTS. You can get it for free on Okadabooks and Bambooks.


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