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Anyman or woman that cheats on his or her spouse has the tendency to do so...
They should stop giving flimsy excuses like he  wasn't there when I needed him, he didn't have time for me, she denied me sex often, she was always away from home, he's always on business trips, she drafted a time table for sex, s/he's lazy in that regard, etc.

Oga, sister come here and let me splash your faces with cold water of reality.
I know there shouldn't be any excuse for cheating on your spouse and at thesame time there are always one or two reasons behind every human action. Some maybe genuine while some are not.

When it comes to cheating in marriage don't be too quick to judge or to condemn. Some women have many genuine reasons to cheat on their men but  they didn't, so also some men on their wives but chose not to.

But one thing we must realize is that we are different. Some can endure hardship, battering,  suffering while some may not. It's just because we are not thesame. That a man is being deprived of sex by his wife and still remain faithful to her is his choice.

At thesame time there are some men that cannot endure such. So if such man or woman that can't endure such is found cheating, don't be quick to judge or condemn him or her

 Oh, You say s/he has the tendency to cheat in the first place, that's why s/he cheated!

Ok, I agree, but let the spouse meet him/her up in that regard and let's if s/he cheat.

Discipline is the key to remain loyal in marriage.
But how many people have it?

However, if you marry as a man she deserves to have your time...

See, sex is an integral part of marriage. So far that we are hypocritical about this doesn't invalidate the fact that sex is part of marriage.

Sex is a delicacy in marriage. Imagine you are not giving him food won't he go out to buy food?

You can't just marry to a woman and not meeting her demand in that area and think she would be happy!

If you are not man enough seek medical advice, drink herbs rather than shy away from your responsibility.

She's human... she has feeling..she do have heat period too
So if a man is not responsible enough to take care of her in that regard. If she cheat on him, I think he deserves it...

If you jump into conlusion that the lady already has tendency to cheat. This maybe true.
Let the man meet her up in that regard and let's see if she will cheat or not.

Just like we have diverse crave for food, some people doesn't joke with it, while some can stay without food for  days...
Such is sex...

Even bible says this 👇

The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.

Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Till we meet again, I remain Odunayo Samuel, AKERELE.
Rememner, keep being you and keep being true.


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