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My hunter friend

I have a friend who is a great hunter. The one I’ve ever known. This friend of mine has in his archives different kinds of skin of wild animals. He caught some animals for the purpose of domesticating them. 

He would keep and feed them for some times but later releases them to go on their way. 
One thing special about this friend of mine is that he neither uses gun nor cutlass when going for hunting. He simply used words of mouth. Like I said earlier, after my father he is the great hunter that I know ever live. The animals he has never hunted hasn’t been created by God. He is a professional when it comes to hunting. 

I’ve been wondering how he often hunt down great animals without holding any hunting tools. I tried to persuade him to tell me his secret but he disobliged. I was wondering maybe he usually wrestled with any animal that comes his way. But come to think of it this friend of mine never have that stature fit for wrestling. So how did he manage to bring big games home whenever he went to hunt? 

He had brought home different kinds of games big, small, maim, healthy, sane, insane, fair even dark, yet without hunting tools. He hunted not only in the night but also during the day. Mere looking at different kinds of animals he brought home as an eye witness I can tell you that he had gone far into thick forest before he came across those animals. But trust me my friend has never hunted in forest since he has been hunting. He had never gone beyond grassy land. 

A guy that has brought home dangerous animal ranges from huge lion, python, anaconda, crocodile, alligator, elephant, tiger to leopard. You ask does these animals also live in grassy land? I am as well confused as you until he took me along in one of his hunting adventure!
As we were going the first game that comes our way was a very young fine animal. 

I told my hunter friend not to strike it down but he refused claiming that no animal is small. He said further that when such gets into soup no one would know its small animal. He also said that they spice up soup even more than the big animals. Anyway since my interest wasn’t in the kinds of animals he hunts but how he hunts them. My friend told me to approach it, I told him if I obey him it would be a suicide mission. Approaching wild animal without gun, cutlass and club is not my calling I told him. 

He laughed hysterically at my ignorance.
 He said these are not wild animals but just animals.  Also you don’t need any tools to kill them, just watch me, he snapped. 
He moved towards the game, as he was going he continue to smile, changing his walking style often without much ado he smote her down. Then, I know how hunting big games is nothing magical but logical. 

These set of games in context, doesn’t require any special tactics to hunt just sharpen your tongue, spice up your words with hyperbolic phrases. Then you get their attention. Getting their attention is the first thing in bringing them down. And there is no other way to do this than to use sweet words. 

I told my friend, but often sweet words are lies. He responded saying, they also don’t like truth.

  He said further, the few that like the truth among them you can’t find them here. Moreover, before you can get them you would definitely do a lot of work.
The reality of what he told me dawned on me recently when another friend of mine went into hunting but was looking for quality meat. 

He has been to the mountains filled with thousand cattle and to the valley with different games yet came back home with nothing. He was at the verge of giving up, but I told him not to. I charged him that since he’s looking for quality then he must allow patience come into play. Because quality is not that much in the hunting field. 

If you know what this story is talking about, share with us in the comment box below.

Till we meet again, I remain Odunayo Samuel, AKERELE.
Remember, keep being you and keep being good. 


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