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But why?

Do you want to know why ask why?
We were first part of the story,
I think we should know the end, tragedy or comedy.

I thought it would have a happy ending.
Because I never want the story that touches
Like Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet.
If you care to know it’s a love story
And it is and has always been a long one.
Such that if the sand on the sea shores were to be pages of book,
It won’t contain it.

Many verses had been written and recited,
Yet volumes of books can’t hold it complexity
And it’s just a four letter words.
But it is more complex than its pronunciation.
The foundation of the entire universe was founded on it.

Each time I sees two lover birds, I always envy and as well share their joy.
Such that I pray it has a happy ending.
Because I detest a story that touches to the marrow like TITANIC

But this meet me un-prepared. I never know you would end it this way.

I always thought she would be the vessel to convey your kind to this planet.
And you’d never objected to the fact that she’s the kind of woman you prayed.
Such that you always caged her like a pet
Yet you later dumped her like a used pad.

I wonder why men promised what they would never fulfil.
I wonder why we take possession of what we cannot care for.
I’m not castigating you for your decision,
Of course, I’ll never advise you to marry out of pity.
Because if you do, lots of regret await you.

It was formally believed that she’ll be your queen
If she marries you.
Table has turned, she’s now your wife if you dump her not
I’ve always thought you genuinely love her, not knowing you passionately lust after her.
No wonder you felt it not when you left her.
She’s not my sister, but you’re my kind, my gender.
Yet I felt her pain.

Never worry if you’re meant to be together, he’ll definitely come back
Moreover, he may be so myopic not to see what you carry, both in and out

However, he should have left you for the one that cares, but it’s never too late.
Though he had mightily used you.
Never allow this to make you sad, the one who truly loves you
Will mine you out like a raw gold
Never sees yourself as a used material.
You’re not and you’ll never be, you’re wonderfully created by God.

Brothers in jilting business,
It's obvious you want something new and fresh.
It's a known fact that variety is your deity
Such that when using a material to an extent,
You feel it’s old not considering her quality.
Then her many hidden  errors appear
Look here, "there’s no virtue in newness and no vice in oldness."

Till we meet again, I remain Odunayo Samuel AKERELE.

REMEMBER, keep being you and keep being good


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