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A butter fly is one of the most adorable insect on earth. It’s a lover of flower, beautiful and scented one to be precise. Anywhere you see a beautiful flowering plant, there you will see a butterfly either playing with the petals or sucking the nectars.

It’s no longer a news that rose is one of the most beautiful flower in the Universe. It is adorned with beauties. Hence, cynosure of all eyes and insects. But despite this beauty rose is full of thorns.
Butterfly is a lover of beautiful flowers, of which rose is one. How can butterfly perch on rose to suck nectar without getting injured and damage being done to it wings?

How can a guy have chance to speak to a pretty girl whose father is a soldier that doesn’t condone nonsense from anyone? Then, the guy needs to apply wisdom. Winks
It’s a common saying that, “life is not a bed of roses,” People usually say this because they believe life is full of challenges. And indeed it is. They believe that living life to the fullest require a lot of energy and determination.

Today I put it to you that life is a bed of roses full of thorns. The life is a beautiful place and all things rightly positioned in their respective places. Fish for sea, land for human and sky for birds, etc.
If you take the panoramic view of life, you will see the beauty that has been endowed upon it. All things bright and beautiful the Lord God made them so. Amidst all beauties are many challenges of life. If you want to be great in life you have a price to pay.

Nothing goes for nothing. We humans are like butterflies while rose symbolizes life.
Therefore getting the beautiful things of life is not by power because if you try so hard you will get injured. And if you are scared of the thorns (i.e. challenges of life), you won’t get out of your comfort zone. You won’t take risk because of the fear of getting injured (i.e. failure). And once you are afraid of taking risk, you can’t get anything out of life.  Because life is a bed of roses full of thorns. The thorns are symbolic to the challenges of life. Don’t try so hard getting the best out of life need not lots of energy but lots of strategy in order not to wear out in the race of life.

We are like butterflies, the World is a bed of roses full of thorns. So, for us to get our nectar and play with the petal, we need not try so hard.
Only our faith in God coupled with determination is enough for us to get the best out of life. 
Till we next time. Keep being good and keep being you. 

I remain my humble self, AKERELE ODUNAYO SAMUEL.


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