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One of the common thing in the society today is that people love to follow trend without knowing the reason. They see people doing it, hence they follow suit. This kind of attitude is the reason why some people assume. They don’t know and they don’t ask. “So many assume, so little know.”  It’s not a crime to ask when you don’t know. Rather than backstabbing people on what you are not even sure of.

People that judge others actually judge themselves. Because they think that what they are doing is what others are doing. And they judge base on that parameter. Wayne Dyer says, “When you judge others you do not define them, you define yourself.”  

There was a time we were solving mathematical problems in the class. We get to a stage where we needed a calculating machine, but couldn’t lay our hands on one. Then, we assumed what the answer might be.
Later we got hold of a calculator to confirm our answer. There was a clear difference between the true answe­r and the assumed.
There is always a significant difference between the assumed and the real value either in mathematics or in our personal life.
Only one out of ten assumptions is right. Moreover, assumption can be dangerous and confusing.
Assumption can leads to unnecessary hatred. Never assume that a person is bad at a distance until you get to know the person better. Or take a step of getting closer to the person. Rather than mere assumption that s/he is bad. Your sneaking feeling about the person may be wrong. That feeling may even be as a result of what you’ve heard about the person in the past. Or perhaps a personal prejudice.  Never judge others until you understand the reason for their choices.
Don’t assume that you are not good because you don’t have many friends .When the going is not good never assume you have sinned. Or maybe God is angry with you. No, not at all, it do happen like that. Gone are those days when something bad happened and I would start thinking of all the sins I’ve committed. Now I know better.

With assumptive attitude you can’t relate well. This attitude can make Christians behave like Pharisees. Such that they quick to pass judgement on others.
That reminds me of the story my pastor told me sometimes ago. He said he went for an evangelism with a fellow Christian Brother. When they were hungry they called at a particular restaurant to eat. The other brother ate Eba while my pastor took only malt. Unknown to them there was another brother from their local assembly that saw them when they entered the restaurant.

Could you believe that the brother went back to the local assembly to report them to the elders that he saw them in a restaurant where they were drinking beer? They were thoroughly scolded by the elders in the assembly. And my pastor asked, “Did the person enter the restaurant with us?” No was the response, and that settled the whole matter.
Can you see how assumptive attitude would have scattered an assembly of saints?

I saw another woman in my pastor car and they were joking together. And so? Are you telling us that your pastor is having extra marital affairs? You better face your own business. Are you a monitoring demon?

It’s not a crime if you don’t know and you ask, rather than assumption which can scatter whole lots of things. On the day of Pentecost when the disciples were at the upper room speaking in tongues. Some people jumped into conclusion that they were drunk.

Though what happened was strange to them but they should have asked question. The disciples were praying in the spirit and they assumed it’s the work of alcohol. So ridiculous.
The reason why some people assume is that they don’t know and don’t want to admit the fact that they don’t know. The question is must they talk? And if it is a must, ask question if you are bold enough.

Ask that woman if she’s dating the man you saw them together rather than polluting the surroundings with rumours that she’s having extra-marital affairs. Shame on you busy body is my hobby. Your own case is worse than witch that flies at night. After all, your own words are fly during the day.

Some people their own assumption has risen to crescendo. Such that they even assume the word of God: they read their mind into the word and call it interpretation of the word. Some can even assume what God is about to say-they Say I think God is about to say.
Assumption can leads to whole lots of errors. It has scattered many homes and relationship, spoil many business, and turn friends against one another. Assumption is not good, it’s not of God.
”Assumptions are the termites of relationship.”  
Don’t be too possessive such that when you see your partner with opposite sex you assume that there’s something romantic between them. Else you scatter your relationship which may pain you later.

Don’t buy into people assumption. Anything that goes beyond YES or NO shun. If it is not ‘YES’ then it should be ‘NO’, there’s nothing like ‘MAYBE’  For instance, Odunayo sucks, yes or no? And the response is maybe. Then it is assumption.
The only antidote to assumption is to ask whatever you are not clear of. And let go of any unnecessary sneaking feelings.

© Akerele, Odunayo Samuel, 2016.


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